Nikola Tesla Patents
244 devide devide strong varying currents. In addition to the mechanism described the vessel may carry any other devices or apparatus as might be required for accomplishing any special object of more or less importance. By way of illustration, a small motor m is shown (Fig. 1 and fig. 3), which conveniently serves for a number of purposes. This motor is shown connected in series with the armature of the steering motor F, so that, whenever either one of the circuits of the latter is closed through relays K' K", the motor m is likewise rotated, but in all cases in the same direction. Its rotation is opposed by a spring m' so that, in normal operation, owing to the fact that the circuits of motor F are closed but a short time, the lever m" which is fastened to one of the wheels of clockwork M, with which the armature of the motor is geared, will move but a short distance, and upon cessation of the current return to a stop P. But if the circuits of the Motor F are closed and opened, rapidly in succession, which operation leaves the rudder unaffected, then the lever m" is moved to a greater angle, coming in contact with a metal plate n, and finally, if desired, with a post.n'. Upon the lever m" coming in contact with plate n, the current of the main battery passes either through one or other or both of the lights supported on standards g 9, according to the position of brushes 3 and 4 relatively to the insulating segment 13. But since the head L' carrying the segments is geared to the rudder, the position of the latter is in a general way determined by observing the (20) in order to guard the latter against any action of