Nikola Tesla Patents
) otto ever the position of the rudder is less than a predetermined angle, conveniently forty-five degrees from the centhe ston cicuit . ter position. In order, however, to prevent the rudder from being turned too far in either direction, the isolated plate 23 is used. Any movement of the rudder beyond a predetermined limit brings this plate under one or the other of the brushes 1, 2, and breaks the circuit of motor F, so that the rudder can be driven no further in that direction, but, as will be understood, the apparat us is in condition to turn the rudder over to the other side. In like manner the circuit of the propelling motor D the outer circle of contacts of head L. The middle ones of the short segments on either side of the circle may be entirely insulated, whereas those adjacent to them may be connected to the large segments through suitable resistances. In this way the motor D may be shut off or run at a low speed, or its rotation may be reversed. The connections to effect this are so simple and obvious that they have been omitted for the sake of clea mess. It is important to add that on all contact points where a break occurs, provision should be made to overcome the sparking and prevent the oscillation of electrical charges in the circuits, as sparks and oscillations may affect the sensitive device. It is this consideration chiefly, which makes it advisable to use the two relays K' K" which otherwise might be dispensed with. They should be also placed as far as practicable from the sensitive (19) How can Use plate the hould Is controlled through brushes 5 and 6 and the segments on so as to malen 91011121314 oprative of Motor I is Isnotur when the mustas 2011 colher. be case may peners off wh aucout 2.1 [Unable to duplicate portion of margin notes - Ed.] 243