Nikola Tesla Patents
250 Room No. 85.... A communications should be addressed to "The Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D. C." Nikola Tesla, % Kerr, Curtis & Page, 120 Broadway, 2-071 a. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE, New York City. Aby communication respecting this application should give the serial number, date of filing, and title of lavention, WASHINGTON, D. C.. Sept. 13, 1898. TENT OFFICE 13 1898 Please find below a communication from the EXAMINER in charge of your application. for Kethod of and Apparatus for Controlling the Mechanism of Moving Vessels or vehicles, filed July 1, 1883, Serial No. 684,934. C. H.Driell Commissioner of Potente Another sheet should be added to the drawings showing on a larger scale the apparatus and connections indicat ed in Fig. 3. The new view may omit the part H" and the devices J, f, a and c and the batteries a, b, k". The parts G, m and n should be shown as large as possible and the connecting circuit 330 indicated that they may be readily followed, The source E should be indicated in such a way as to economize space so that sufficient room may be left for the delineation of the more complicated parts of the apparatus. Resistances should be shown connecting the segments 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 with the segments 7 and 8. Page 8 of the specification, the matter contained in lines 6 to 16 inclusive should be cancelled for the reason that it is not 83