Nikola Tesla Patents
Nikola Tesla U.S. Patent 645,576 - System of Transmission of Electrical Energy Patent Wrapper Page 4
122 Room No... Dict. communications should be addressed to "The Commixionar of Patents, Washington, D. C." Nikola Tesla, 2-071 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, ward UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE, c/o Kerr, Curtis & Page, 120 Broadway, New York. Any communication respecting this application should give the serial number. date of filing, and title of laveation. WASHINGTON, D. C.." Oct. 4, 1897. TENT OFFICE OCT 4 1887 MAILED DIV Please find below a communication from the EXAMINER in charge of your application for System of Tran amission of Electrical Energy; filed Sept. 2, 1897; Sar.No. 650,343. Buj Butterworth Commissioner of Patents. The claims in this case are rejected on petent to 465 471 Edison # 465,941 Dec. 29, 1891,- Circuits and Systems, end Marconi # 586,193 July 13, 1897, same clasa. Attention is also called to patent to Smith #247,127 Sept. 13, 1881,- Railway, Cab, and to a brief description of experiments made in this art by Professor Loomis;- see journal of The Telegraph Oct. 16, 1879, page 309. Handter BrĂ¼ning L 150