Tesla patent drawings

Nikola Tesla Patents

Tesla was granted nearly 200 patents worldwide

J J J al but obviously, conductors or circuits of any other form may be used, if desired. From the foregoing the operation of the apparatus will now be readily understood. Assume, first, as the simplest case, that upon the coil A of the transmitter impulses or oscillations of an arbitrary frequency and irrespective of its om free vibrations, are impressed. Corresponding oscillations will then be induced in the circuit B which, being constructed and adjusted as before indicated, so as to vibrate at the same rate, will greatly magnify them, the increase being directly proportionate to the product of the frequency of the oscillations and the inductance of circuit B, and inversely to the resistance of the latter. Other conditions remaining the same, the intensity of the oscillations in the resonating circuit B will be increased in the same proportion as its resistance is reduced. Very often, however, the conditions may be such that the gain sought is not realized directly by diminishing the resistance of the circuit. In such cases the skilled expert who applies the invention, will turn to advantage the reduction of resistance by using a correspondingly longer conductor, thus securing a much greater self-induction and, under all circumstances, he will determine the dimensions of the circuit so as to get the greatest value of the ratio of its inductance to its resistance, which determines the intensity of the free oscillations. The vibrations of coil B, greatly strengthened, spread to a distance and on reaching the tuned receiving conductor B', excite corresponding oscillations in the same, which, for similar reasons, are intensified, with the result of inducing correspondingly stronger currents or oscillations in circuit A', including the receiving device. -5509