Nikola Tesla Patents
510 а 4 When, as may be the case in the transmission of intelligible signals, the circuit A is periodically closed and opened, the effect upon the receiver is heightened in the manner above described not only because the inpulses in the coils B and B' are strengthened, but also on account of their persistance through a longer interval of time. The advantages offered by the invention are still more fully realized when the circuit A of the transmitter, instead of having impulses of an arbitrary frequency impressed upon it, is itself permitted to vibrate at its own rate, and more particularly so, if it be energized by the freely oscillating high frequency discharges of a condenser. In such a case, the cooling of the conductor A, which may be effected in any suitable manner results in an extraordinary magnification of the oscillation in the resonating circuit B, which I attribute to the increased intensity as well as greater number of the high frequency oscillations obtained in the circuit A. The receiving coil B¹ is energized stronger in proportion and induces currents of greater intensity in the circuit A'. It is evident from the above that the greater the number of the freely vibrating circuits which alternately receive and transmit energy from one to another, the greater, relatively, will be the gain secured by applying my invention. I do not, of course, intend to limit myself to the specific manner and means described of artificial cooling, nor to the particular forms and arrangements of the circuits shown. By taking advantage of the facts above pointed out and of the means described, I have found it possible to secure a rise of electrical pressure in an excited circuit very many times greater than has heretofore been obtainable, and this result S