Tesla patent drawings

Nikola Tesla Patents

Tesla was granted nearly 200 patents worldwide

JUJUDOLGU CILICOD DODUO pub а valuable results, which have heretofore been impracticable, by taking advantage of this fact. Briefly stated, then, my invention consists in producing a great increase in the intensity of the oscillations excited in a circuit, or in the electro-motive force developed in the same, by maintaining the circuit at a low temperature. Ordinarily, in commercial apparatus, such provision as is made with a view to controlling the temperature is designed merely to prevent undue heating, and in any event it's influence upon the intensity of the oscillations is very slight and practically negligible, since in such forms of apparatus as transformers, where means for cooling ara employed, one circuit is usually in very intimate inductive connection with another circuit, upon which latter oscillations of an arbitrary frequency are impressed, so that the sole object of the cooling of the conductor in such a case is the saving of energy. My invention, it will be understood, does not con template this objed, but aims at the attainment of a distinct result; that is, to magnify to the greatest practicable degree the intensity or the electrical pressure of the excited oscillations. The exceptional advantages secured by my invention reside largely in the fact, that when electrical oscillations of high frequency are propagated through a conductor, the currents pass chiefly on the outer surface of the same, hence the actual resistance is always greater than that ascertained by measurement. For this reason it is impracticable to use very heavy conductors, and if, for -3501