Nikola Tesla Patents
502 sub. ai the purpose of utilizing more economically the copper, a conductor in the form of a thin ribbon or tube, or a stranded cable, be employed, other drawbacks are encountered which much more than offset the gain thus secured. My invention may be obviously carried out in a number of ways, and is applicable to all cases in which the special object contemplated herein is sought. The best and most convenient marmer of carrying out the invention of which I am now aware, is to immerse the conductor, which is to be maintained at a low temperature in a liquefied gas, such as atmospheric air, for example, and in order to derive the full benefit of the improvement, the circuit should be primarily constructed so as to have the smallest possible. resistance and other rules of construction, which I have pointed out in previous patents and applications, should be observed. For instance, when, as in a system of transnitting energy for any purpose through the natural media the transmitting and receiving conductors are connected to earth and to an elevated terminal respectively, the lengths of these conductors should be one quarter of the wave length of the disturbance propagated through the circuits. In the accompanying drawing I have illustrated graphically a disposition of the apparatus which embodies the invention. The drawing illustrates in perspective two devices, either of which may be the transmitter, while the other is the receiver. In each there is a coil of few tums and low resistance, designated in one by A, and in the other by A', and which is to be connected with a suitabla source. -4