Tesla patent drawings

Nikola Tesla Patents

Tesla was granted nearly 200 patents worldwide

36.0 amendments must be on shoots of ordered in the application must be specified and the previse polut indicated where the word or words to put to e poing to ani put pory knojn windt opi masj ognklon indud arasure or insertion is to be made. All auch amendment the RULE 73, In Room No... co Amations shoulcreased to The Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D..C.. Nikola Tesla, 2-246120 Broadway, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE, c/o Kerr, Page & Cooper, O.L.E. All counmanications respecting this application should give the serial number date of Biling, and title of Invention. WASHINGTON, D. C.. New York City, Aug 13, 2001. PATENT AUG131901 AILED OFFICE S. Please find below a communication from the EXAMINER in charge of your application. TerMethods of and Aarata tillaing Effects or Disturbances Transmitted through Natural Media; filed June 24, 1899;#62,315. Sf. I. Allen. Commissioner of Palents. gla tn 1 presented in amendment of July 16,1901, and claim 11 are each rejected on British Patent to Muirhead, 19,183 of 1893, Telegraphy, Automatie. These claims are of such scope as to cover the well known cable system wherein is used at the receiving end a condenser which steres a charge until a definite potential is at tained when is discharges into the receiver, GC. Wean En.