Nikola Tesla Patents
Rouma No.....91. Alications and be eddrand to The ummissioner of Patats, Washington, D. C." Nikola Tesla, 2-971. Care Kerr, Page & Cooper, 120 Broadway, 59 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, New York, N.Y. All communications respecting this application should give the serial number. date of filing, and title of invention. UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C.. : Nov. 6, 1899. Please find below a communication from the EXAMINER in charge of your application. for Methods of Utilizing Effects Transmitted Through the Natural Media, No. 725,749, filed August 1, 1899. C. H.Duell Commissioner of Patents. Claims 1 and 2 are each rejected on each of the patents to Marconi and Zickler, of record. Each of these patents discloses a method of utilizing effects transmitted through the natural media for controlling stored energy which operates a receiving device. claims 3 and 4 are each objected to as alternative, being rendered so by the expression "charging or discharging." Each of these operation claims is also objectionable because it sets forth an which has not been disclosed in this application. of the storage device is not controlled by the transmitted impulses, The discharging G.O.F. Examiner, Div. 16. RULE 73. In every amendment the exact word or words to be stricken out or inserted in the application must be specified and the precise point indicated where the erasure or insertion is to be made. All sach amendments must be on sheets of paper separate from the papers previously fled, and written on but one side of the paper. 447