Nikola Tesla Patents
1 } 448 B Sub. l 2 Room 91. In the matter of the application of Nikola Tesla, No. 725,749, filed August 1, 1899, Methods of Utilizing Effects Transmitted through Natural Media. Hon. Commissioner of Patents, Sir:- New York, November 23, 1899. In the above application we hereby amend as follows: Cancel claims 1 and 2 and insert: "1. The method hereinbefore described of utilizing effects or disturbances transmitted through the natural media, which consists in using, under control of such effects or disturbances, the stored energy in a storage device charged by an independent source for operating a receiving device. The method hereinbefore described of utilizing effects or disturbances transmitted through the natural media, which consists in using, under control of such effects or disturbances, the stored electrical energy in a storage device charged by an independent source of electrical energy, for operating a receiving device." With the above amendment, which we think clearly distinguishes the applicant's invention from the references, the application is submitted for reconsideration. "2. Nerz, воде тепони attes foresla This page retyped from microfilm for better readability - Ed.]