Nikola Tesla Patents
452 To the Commissioner of Patents:- Your petitioner, Nikola Tesla, a citizen of the United States and a resident of the Borough of Manhattan, in the City, County and State of New York, whose post office address is #46 East Houston Street, New York City, represents that on August 1, 1899, he filed an application for letters patent for an improvement in Methods of Utilizing Effects Transmitted Through the Natural Media, serial number 725, 749, which application was allowed January 23, 1900, but that he failed to make payment of the final fee within the time allowed by law. He now makes renewed application for letters patent for said invention, and prays that the original specification, cath and drawings may be used as a part of this application. Signed at New York in the County and State of New York : May 2 this day of 1901. Nikole Tesle