Nikola Tesla Patents
376 In every application for a patent filed subsequent to December 31, 1897, responsive action must be made by the one year after the last office notion or the case will become abandoned. Inventor within Room No...... All comtime should be aidreased to "The Commissione of Patents, Washington, C. C." Nikola Tesla, 2-246. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, All communications respecting to. application should give the serial number, date of siling, aud title of invention. UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C., Care, Kerr, Page & Cooper, 120 Broadway, New York, N.V. March 15, 1900. MAR 15 1900 AILED Piease find below a communication from the EXAMINER in charge of your application. filed Sep. 8, 1899, Ser. No. 729,812, for Apparatus for Utilizing Effects Transmitted from a Distance to a Receiving Device through the Natural Media. C. H. Duell Commissioner of Patents. This application has been withdrawn from issue in view of certain newly discovered references. Claims 1 and 2 are each rejected or the patent to Weston, 389,124 Sep. 4, 1886, Electricity, Generation, Batteries, Thermal. As regards claim 2 it is said that there would be no invention in substituting a condenser for the storage battery of the Weston device. Claims 3 to 8, inclusive, 11, 12 and 20 are each rejected on the patent to Dewey, 414,945, Nov. 12, 1889, Electric Lighting, Lights, Systems, Secondary Battery. For further state of the art see the English patent to Hunro, 1626 of 1882, Lights, Systems, Secondary Battery Fred 8. Fresh Ant in the Dis 16 RULE 73. In every amendment the exact word or words to be stricken out or inserted in the application must be specified and the precise point indicated where the crasare or insertion is to be made. All such amendments must be on sheets of paper separate from the papers previously filed, and written on but one side of the paper.