Nikola Tesla Patents
B 1 2 B² Room 91. Application of Nikola Tesla, No. 729,812, filed September 8, 1899. Apparatus for Utilizing Effects Transmitted through the Natural Media. Hon. Commissioner of Patents, Sir:- New York, July 31st, 1900. we now amend as follows: In the matter of the application above named a On page 1, cancel the third paragraph comprised in lines 19 to 28, inclusive. On page 7, cancel from "and to render" in line 15 to the end of line 21, and insert: "is the object of my invention which comprises a novel form of apparatus for accomplishing these results." On page 7, line 22, after "apparatus" insert "which is employed at the receiving station". On page 12, line 20, after "novel" insert "apparatus embodying a general" On page 12, line 21, after "necessary" insert: "I may state, however, that for practical purposes in the present case, it is only necessary to shift the brushes back and forth until the maximum effect is secured". Cancel claims 1 and 2. In claim 3 line 3, after "combination" insert "with a source of such effects or disturbances". In claim 4, line 3, after "combination" insert "with urce of such effects or disturband ". -1[This page retyped from microfilm for better readability - Ed. 377