Nikola Tesla Patents
378 In claim 5, line 3, after "combination" insert "with a source of such effects or disturbances". In claim 6, line 2, after "combination" insert "with a source of such effects or disturbances". In claim 7, line 2, after "combination" insert "with a source of such effects or disturbances". "with a In claim 8, line 3, after "combination" insert source of such effects or disturbances". In claim 11, line 3, after "combination" insert "with a source of such effects or disturbances". In claim 12, line 3, after "combination" insert "with a source of such effects or disturbances". With the above amendments the application is submitted for reconsideration. We note that claim 20 was rejected on the patent to Dewey, in Office letter of March 15th, but we think that this was possibly unintentional, as the relation of the Dewey scheme to applicant's is too remote to suggest the means described in claim 20. Ken; Іши, Партеобки айт за дива, -2[This page retyped from microfilm for better readability - Ed.]