Nikola Tesla Patents
1500 ck. To the Commissioner of Patents; Your Petitioner Nikola Tesla, a citizen of the United States, > residing at New York City, New York, -for in the County of New York and State of prays that letters patent may be granted to. the improvements in Apparatus for utilizing effects transmitted from a distance to a receiving device through the natural media, set forth in the annexed specification; and he hereby appoints kerr, Page & Cooper (a firm composed of Thomas 3. Herr, Parker W. Page and Drury W. Cooper; Regis-, tration No. 2,413), of No. 120 Broadway, New York City, New York, his -Attorneys, with full power of substitution and revocation, to prosecute this application, to make afterations and amendments therein, to receive the patent, and to transact all business in the Patent Office connected therewith. Nikola Tesla ܪܐ 369