Nikola Tesla Patents
370 Room No.97. income le attend to the Commissister of Patents, Washington. 3. C." Nikola, Tesla, 2-071. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, All communications respecting thats application shouti give the serial number, date of diting, ani title of invection. UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C.. Care Kerr, Page & Cooper, 120 Broadway, New York, N.Y. Sept. 30, 1899. PATCHT OFFICE SERO 1899 MAILE Please find below a communication from the EXAMINER in charge of your application. for Apparatus for Utilizing Effects Transmitted from a Distance to a Receiving Device Through the Natural Hedia, No. 729,812, filed Sept. 8, 1899. C. H. Duell Commission of Patents. It is believed that the number of the application referred to in the second paragraph of page I, is 721.790, and this number should be inserted in the second line of the paragraph. The discussion of the state of the art beginning with line 4, page 2, and ending with line 6 from the bottom of page 5, should sither be canceled or amendad as hereinafter suggested. Since applicant's invention consists in a certain apparatus for receiving and utilizing electrical radiation and is not concerned with the RULE 72. In et amendareat the exact word or words to be stricken out or inserte! in the application must be aperised and the precise point indicated where the erasure or insertion is to be made. All auch amendments must be on sheets of paper separate from the po; previoudy file, and written on but one side of the paper.