Nikola Tesla Patents
492 Room 91. In the matter of the application of Nikola Tesla, No. 735, 573, filed November 2, 1899, Apparatus for Utilizing Effects Transmitted through Natural Media. Hon. Commissioner of Patents, Sir:- follows: New York, February 27, 1900. "10. In the above named application we now amend as Cancel claim 10 and substitute: In an apparatus for utilizing effects or disturbances transmitted through the natural media from a distant source, the combination with a storage device and an independent sour ce of energy for charging the same, of a receiving circuit connected with the storage device, a device sensitive to the effects or disturbances and adapted to have its resistance varied by the action thereon of such effects or disturbances and determining under their control the flow of current in the receiving circuit, substantially as set forth." This claim is merely a more specific statement of allowed claim 9, and has now been drawn in the same form, with the addition of the limiting clause which distinguishes it from the latter. The above amendment is therefore believed to free the case from the objections heretofore made, and an allowance of the application is respectfully requested. Ken Page versper Atty fue decla >