Nikola Tesla Patents
E 526 Patent 685,953 955 18 nov. 5/01 groun The presround plate E' may be considered to be the pole. ence of these waves may be detected in many ways. For instance, a circuit may be connected directly or inductively, as in some systems of intelligence transmission invented by me, to the ground and to an elevated terminal and tuned to respond more effectively to the oscillations. If this circuit be connected to the ground at a point located at or near the crest of the stationary wave, it will be strongly affected; on the other hand, if it be located near the nodal point or at the same, it will be little affected or not at all. Another way is to connect such a tuned circuit to the ground at two points lying more or less in a meridian passing. through the pole E', or, generally stated, to any two points of a different potential. conne In Fig. 2 I have shown a device for detecting the presence of the waves, such as I have used in a novel method of magnifying feeble effects, which I have described in applications now pending. It consists of a cylinder D of insulating material which is moved at a uniform rate of speed, by clockwork or other suitable motive power, and is provided with two metal rings F F', upon which bear brushes a and a', which are connected respectively, in the manner shown, to the terminal plates P and P¹. From the rings F, F¹, extend narrow metallic segments s and s' which, by the rotation of the cylinder D are brought alternately into contact with double brushes b and b', carried by, and in contact with, conducting holders b and b', which are adjustible longitudinally in the metallic supports G and G', as shown. The latter are connected to the terminals T and T' of a condenser H, and it should be understood that they -8[This page retyped from microfilm for better readability - Ed.