Nikola Tesla Patents
JJJJJJJJJ) 3 and the means at command for accomplishing these results, I am enabled not only to carry out many operations by the use of mcm instruments, but also to offer a solution for many important problems, involving the operation or control of remote devices which, for want of this knowledge and in the absence of these means, have heretofore been entirely impossible. For example, by the use of such a generator of stationary waves and receiving apparatus, properly placed and adjusted, in any other locality, however remote, it is practicable to transmit intelligible signals; or to control or actuate at will any one or all of such apparatus for many other important and valuable purposes, as for indicating, wherever desired, the correct time of an observatory; or for ascertaining the relative position of a body or distance of the same with reference to a given point; or for determining the course of a moving object such as a vessel at sea, the distance traversed by the same or its speed; or for producing many other useful effects at a distance dependent on the int sity, wave-length, direction or velocity of movement, or other feature or property of disturbances of this character. I shall typically illustrate the manner of applying my discovery by describing one of the specific uses of the same, namely, the transmission of intelligible signals or messages between distant points, and with this object reference is now made to the accompanying drawing; in which, 1 represents diagrammatically the generator which produces stationary waves in the Earth, and Fig. 2 an apparatus, situated in a remote locality, for recording the effects of these waves. 539