Nikola Tesla Patents
516 NUMBER (SERIES OF 1900. --112034 84545 Name.. APP NOT PARTS OF APPLICATION FILED County of State of Invention: M T Nikola Tesla New you New You urgy through the Naturals mede Petition May 16, 1900. 1900.. Affidavit. Specification. 1900. 190... Drawing. Model or Specimen... none 190 First Fee Cash. 1.5 May - 160..., 1900.. R Cert. 1902 PATENT No. 7874/2... App. filed complete.. Jumeind 123=1900Examined. Countersigned... +9= 26-3 Notice of Allowance... Final Fee Cash.. Cert. Patent No.. Patented. Associate Attorney. April Now the Geo-t. Sicly J. M. Babson. frily 6 Yen Nikola Tesla ame. Art of Transmitting. Electricie 190 A 1900 ax 196... For Commissioner. 1900. 190 190. 18 DIV. w (EX'R'S BOOK).. OLD WRAPPER WITH RECORD OF ACTIONS INSIDE. RENEWED. 1 At Wr. Jane ] L.Xyon Restigut Dest 26 Cark Dated ma 20. Mar Attorney Kerr, Page 151720 120 702 New Serial Number - PS Date of Patent Besid 2 190. 190. 190: 190. 1907. 190. 190 5239 190 Commissioner 190. $190.3. 1905. 190 190