Nikola Tesla Patents
1 522 nature, such as lightning discharges, and which seemed at first unrealizable by any human agencies. But by gradual and continuous improvements in the design and construction of a generator of electrical oscillations, which I had previously de ised and employed for other purposes, I finally succeeded in reaching electrical movements or rates of delivery of electrical energy not only approximating, but, as shown in many comparative tests and measurements. which I have made, actually surpassing those of lightning discharges, and by means of such apparatus I have found it possible to reproduce, whenever desired, phenomena in the Earth the same as, or similar to, those due to the effects of such discharges. With the knowledge of the phenomena discovered by me and the means at command for accomplishing the above results, I am enabled not only to carry out many operations, by the use of known and previously devised forms of receiving instruments, but also to offer a solution for many important problems, involving the operation or control of remote electrical receiving devices which, for want of such knowledge and in the absence of such means, have heretofore been entirely impossible. For example, by the use of such a generator at one point of the Earth's surface for producing stationary waves, and receiving apparatus, properly placed and adjusted, at any other point or points of the same, however remote, it is practicable to transmit intelligible signals, or to control or actuata at will any one or all of such receiving apparatus for many other important and valuable purposes, as for indicating, in any locality, the corre orrect