Nikola Tesla People
Relatives, friends and associates of Nikola Tesla
Prof. J. J. Thomson
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Electrical Engineer - June 10th, 1891
An abstract of a paper read before the Physical Society. The phenomena of vacuum discharges were, Prof. Thomson said, greatly simplified when their path was wholly gaseous, the complication of the...
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Electrician - July 24th, 1891
TO THE EDITOR OF THE ELECTRICIAN. Sir: In The Electrician for July 17th there is a description of some experiments made by Mr. Nikola Tesla, which are somewhat similar in character to those shown by...
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Electrician - May 22nd, 1891
A communication made at the meeting of the Physical Society, held at Cambridge in the Cavendish Laboratory, on Saturday, May 9th, 1891. The phenomena of vacuum discharges were, he said, greatly...
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