Nikola Tesla People
Relatives, friends and associates of Nikola Tesla
Robert Underwood Johnson
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Century Magazine - May 1st, 1894
Hardly is there a nation which has met with a sadder fate than the Servian. From the height of its splendor, when the empire embraced almost the entire northern part of the Balkan peninsula and a...
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Electrical Review - April 3rd, 1895
[From the Century Magazine.] Here in the dark what ghostly figures press ! - No phantom of the Past, or grim or sad; No wailing spirit of woe; no specter, clad In white and wandering cloud, whose dumb...
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Nikola Tesla and Jovan Jovanović Zmaj had the opportunity to meet only once, and that was during Tesla's visit to Belgrade, on 2 July 1892. Tesla arrived to Serbia by train, and on that occasion a...
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Letter added April 22, 2018 - 11:12 PM
From Nikola Tesla 35 South Fifth Avenue New York, Dec. 15, 1894 Dear Johnson, Thanks for reminding me of my birthday. Usually, as the winter approaches I begin to think about it and prepare for...