Videos - Page 2 The Tesla Universe Video Library Displaying 13 - 16 of 16 Search Sort by RandomDate addedDate updatedRelevance Order AscDesc Tesla's Death Ray - A Murder Declassified Tesla Gun William Terbo, Nikola Tesla's Grand Nephew, Interview from Early 90's Harry Goldman Memorial Video Pagination First page « Previous page ‹ Page 1 Current page 2 Within the Universe Movies and TV Nikola Tesla on the screen. Quotes Profound and insightful quotes by Nikola Tesla. Articles Nikola Tesla in the press. Patents Nikola Tesla held around 200 patents worldwide. Timeline Important moments and events related to Tesla. Letters Letters to, from and about Nikola Tesla. Images Nikola Tesla image and photo library. Documents Nikola Tesla documents, files and papers. Books Books written by and about Nikola Tesla.