Tesla Universe classic Tesla coil

Electronic Hobbyists Handbook

Tesla-related plans from Electronic Hobbyists Handbook
Displaying 1 - 6 of 6

Make Your Own High-Voltage Capacitors

Build capacitors that really pack a punch for high voltage fun! As one who supplies parts to those who experiment with high voltage, I get a lot of letters and phone calls from frustrated builders...

Voltage Doublers

Voltage doublers are an easy and inexpensive way to experiment with high voltage. If you’ve been looking for a way to generate high voltage, you’ve undoubtedly run across the voltage doubler. Voltage...

Jacob's Ladder

A climbing electric arc has held the imagination of science-fiction fans as the symbol for an eerie laboratory! In many sci-fi and horror flicks, especially the stock “Frankenstein” variety, along...

The Wimshurst Machine

It’s a high-voltage apparatus that has earned a place in history. Now it’s your turn to get in on the fun! “Wimshurst machine? So that’s what it’s called!” my neighbor said, his eyes as wide as half...

200,000-Volt Van de Graaff Generator

Have hours of high-voltage fun when you experiment with this working high-voltage generator. The first known electrical generator was built in 1660 by the German experimenter, Otto von Guericke (also...

Hybrid Tesla Coil - Solid-State with Spark Gap

Build an updated version of Nikola Tesla’s most-famous experiment. Nikola Tesla is considered by some to be the greatest inventor of our modern electrical age, and many experts consider him to be the...