TCBA founder, Harry Goldman and the TCBA logo

TCBA - Tesla Coil Builders Association

Devoted to the construction, operation and theoretical analysis of the Tesla coil

TCBA Volume 8 - Issue 1

Page 13 of 18

The Yugoslavian programs included the unveiling of Nikola Tesla's Monument, visit to the Museum of Nikola Tesla and unveiling of the Memorial Tablet, and tours to large electro-industrial enterprises throughout the country which were colored by folkdance performances, evening sail on the Danube, and performance at the National Theater. Mr. Sogge presented to A.I.E.E. President Dean M.S. Coover, representing the Institute, an 800-page bound volume containing the lectures, patents, articles, and photographs of Tesla, compiled in English and presented by the Tesla Museum at Belgrade. The volume will be deposited in the Engineering Societies Library in New York City. A painting of Tesla's birthplace is also forthcoming from the Tesla Museum, to be hung at A.I.E.E. headquarters.

Following the report by Mr. Sogge, the audience at the General Session Meeting witnessed a spectacular lecture-demonstration by Dr. Samuel G. Hibben, engineering consultant in applied lightning, entitled “Tesla's Contribution to Todays Arc and Vapor Illuminants.” Dr. Hibben's demonstrations covered those features of Tesla's studies of the production of radiant energy which he felt had special promise. These included Atomic disturbances, or generation of light without heat; The commercial Tesla Coil - its testing for gases, and vacuum; Selective ionization of gases or vapors; Excitation of atomic structures of gases - Tesla's basic study of the ideal lighting system, Electro-Luminescence, with super-voltages and frequencies; The direct transfer of electrical energy to visible light - Tesla's basic dream; The flaming sphere - epitomizing the thought of a future illuminant.

Dr. Hibben closed the afternoon and day's General Session Meeting with the dramatic tribute to Tesla - “And the lengthening shadow of Tesla's passing will yet touch and inspire us to a greater future of accomplishment than we have ever known.”