Nikola Tesla Articles
Tesla Hopes to Telegraph from New York to Paris Without Wires
After Months of experimenting in Colorado Says He Has Solved the Problem
Nikola Tesla, who opened an experimental station in Colorado Springs, Col., in May last for the purpose of making scientific measurements and observations with wireless telegraphy in high altitudes, has successfully concluded his work and will soon return to this city to continue his work here. He has perfected a machine by which he intends to send messages to Paris next year, and his experiments here will be in communication by means of the machine with Paris, without the use of a wire.
“I have been successful in my experiments beyond anything I ever accomplished,” he said to a correspondent for the Herald. “I am glad I have come to Colorado. I am delighted with the results. I am not at liberty to give out the details of my work at this time, but you can say the system or wireless telegraphy has been successfully demonstrated in this altitude, which is 6,000 feet above sea level.”
Since the establishment of his laboratory in Colorado Springs Mr. Tesla has lived at the Alta Vista Hotel, but he is seldom seen there.
The Colorado Springs laboratory in which Tesla has been so successful is located about a mile from the centre of the city, on the highest point of land in that vicinity, and is on a direct line east from Pike’s Peak. It is about two hundred feet higher than the town proper, affording an unobstructed view of the Rocky Mountains.
It is not enclosed, and although located only a few hundred feet from a street, Mr. Tesla has obtained all the privacy desired, as he has placed about the building numerous signs bearing the following inscription:
The laboratory is a queer looking structure and has been an object of interest to the townfolk, who have gazed at it long and often, but who, as a rule, never ventured closer than fifty feet, the sign being a sufficient warning to keep away the curious.
The most noticeable features about the barnlike building are the numerous electric wires running into the place, the scaffoldlike contrivances on the roof, and the pole in the centre of the building, rising to a height of 250 feet, and surmounted by a large ball.
Few persons looking at the ball suspended at the top of the innocent looking pole would imagine that it has played the important part in high altitude experiments. The ball, which is about one and a half feet in diameter, is used to transmit, and receive messages. There is a wire on the inside of the pole which runs to the instrument in the building.
Tesla zealously guards all approaches to the laboratory. There is a small engine near the entrance. The laboratory proper is located back of the engine, and is enclosed by a circular partition, so that employes will not come in contact with “live” wires.
The laboratory consists of two large cylindrical shaped contrivances. One reaches from the floor to the roof, and is made entirely of wood. Surrounding it is one which is encircled by “live” wires, and it is here where Mr. Tesla has accomplished his scientific experiments in a high altitude.
The building, from an exterior point of view, is of peculiar design. It is a low, wooden building thirty feet square, and rises to a height of only twenty feet. The building to the right is the Printers’ Home, founded by Messrs. Childs and Drexel, and maintained by the International Typographical Union.
Rising from the roof of the Tesla laboratory are two wooden scaffoldlike arrangements, one being over the centre of the building and the other over the doorway.
As Mr. Tesla was conversing with the Herald correspondent a man entered with a sample of paint. Tesla smiled and said, “I wish I had had that paint before, as my laboratory here has been on fire five times and has been struck by lightning six times. Happily no damage was done.”