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New York Herald

Nikola Tesla articles from New York Herald
Displaying 1 - 10 of 11

Tesla Declares He Will Abolish War

Magician of Electricity Announces That He Has Perfected an Application of the Current Which Will Make Possible the Destruction of Battle Ships at Any Distance from an Operating Base. PROJECTS...

Electric Sparks to Blow Up War Ships

Tesla Figuring on Exploding the Enemy's Magazines by an Air Current. War without explosives may come eventually if the hopes of Nikola Tesla are realized. Experiments now being made by the famous...

Tesla Hopes to Telegraph from New York to Paris Without Wires

After Months of experimenting in Colorado Says He Has Solved the Problem Nikola Tesla, who opened an experimental station in Colorado Springs, Col., in May last for the purpose of making scientific...

Electric Drive for Battle Ships

The ideal simplicity of the induction motor, its perfect reversibility and other unique qualities render it eminently suitable for ship propulsion, and ever since I brought my system of power...

Tesla Has Narrow Escape

Fire did $3,000 damage yesterday in the cellar of the seven story building Nos. 46 and 48 East Houston street. Nikola Tesla occupies three floors in the building. Five years ago his laboratory in West...

Mr. Tesla's Patents

To the Editor of the Herald:- The reports contained in the Herald and other journals regarding the issue of a recent wireless patent suit are of a nature to create an erroneous impression. Two of the...

What of the Future in Electricity?

Dr. Nikola Tesla Looks Forward to the Era When One Titanic Electrical Wireless Station Shall Supply Power for the World - Tells of Other Developments That We Have Good Reason to Expect. “What did the...

Problems of Aerial Motive Power

Progress in aerial navigation is essentially dependent on the perfection of a process of producing great mechanical effort with light machinery. Viewing the possibilities, near and remote, motive...

Tesla Confident of Speaking Mars

Impossible, He Says, for Other Experimenters to Note Effects Which He Has Discovered. Have Not Proper Devices Inventor Says with His Appliances He Can Observe Electrical Condition of 2,200 Miles. No...