Nikola Tesla Books
Themes for the Symposium
- Nikola Tesla - inventor
- Power conversion
- Electrical machines since Tesla
- AC or DC electro-motor propulsion
- Machines with super-conductive coils
- Theory of electro-mechanical converters
- Transformers
- Switch apparatus
- From water-mills to Ãerdap
- AC-DC in electricity transmission
- Transmission by means of cryogen cables
- Radio communications from Tesla till today
- Broad-band communications
- Sources of light from Tesla till today
- Contemporary sources of light
- Lighting and human environment
The papers, communications and discussion will be printed in the collected papers of the symposium.
Film on the Life of Nikola Tesla
âThe Life of Nikola Teslaâ is planned as a biographical full-length feature film in colour which would present the rich and original life story of Nikola Tesla from his birth and childhood and the rapid development of this brilliant mind at Graz and Prague universities, to Budapest and Vienna and the United States, the only country at the time which showed interest and could follow and adopt part of Teslaâs scientific vision.
The film would show the struggle of a humanist of genius against the profanation of inventions which serve commercial profit instead of benefiting mankind as a whole. It would tell the story of a man whose creative life was an example of all that is human, progressive and humane between individuals and nations at the dawn of the emergence of a civilization which should be based on the brotherhood of men and nations.
Inspired by this vision and carried forward by his genius for engineering and science, Tesla was far ahead of his time, - in many respects even of our own time. There are few great men of human thought able to appeal to the coming generations with equal force. The film will not only help the life story and the life truth about Nikola Tesla to reach hundreds of millions of spectators all over the world, but will also be the most durable monument that his homeland can erect to Tesla for the future.
Yugoslavia has the moral obligation to make a film on Tesla as they made films on Edison in the United States, on Marconi in Italy and on Copernicus in Poland.
Teslaâs life story presented in the film will be accessible to all and may perhaps awaken in the younger generations the desire for science and knowledge and help them to find their ideal in Teslaâs work.
The film âThe Life of Nikola Teslaâ is to be made by âZagreb-filmâ, Zagreb.
Meeting of Young Researchers
In the year of the celebration of the 120th anniversary of the birth of Nikola Tesla a Meeting of Young Researchers is to be organized in Teslaâs native place Smiljan thus laying the foundations for similar meetings to be organized every two years.
The purpose of the meeting is to initiate in Yugoslavia action for discovering young talent in the field of science, developing young peopleâs interest and helping them in their work and development. The action should be supported by Yugoslav scientific institutions and economic organizations which ought to have a paramount