Nikola Tesla Books
interest in skilled technical and research personnel who are indispensable to their further development. They should also offer direct assistance in âopening the doorâ to the young and in the realization of their works. A special role in the realization of the action is to be played by faculties, schools and economic organizations where young people are active and where their abilities can be detected through their work and interests.
The action is to be of an all-Yugoslav character. The main organizer will be Narodna Tehnika Hrvatske which has set up a special committee for the purpose.
The programme of the Meeting of Young Researchers, the propositions for participation, and the choice of themes are to be worked out by the Programme Committee which is composed of prominent Yugoslav scientists. Subsequent meetings would gradually cover other spheres of science as well.
About forty authors of the most successfully treated themes are to participate in the meeting and report to it on the results of their work.
As part of the meeting an exhibition of the works of the participants is to be held and the action as a whole presented in greater detail.
The meeting is also to include the annual âNikola Teslaâ Young Researchersâ Camp which has been organized twice before as part of the âScience to the Youngâ movement. The purpose of these camps is to bring together young scientists (30 - 40) who under the leadership of senior scientists study individual problems connected with a certain scientific field. The Camp to be held as part of the Meeting of Young Researchers is a continuation of an action for the investigation of the Lika region. In addition to biological investigations other investigations (geographical, speleological, geological, demographic) would be carried out gradually. This form of work and its results are specially useful not only for this inadequately investigated region itself, but also for developing a deeper interest among young people who will be concerned with these problems in future.
Publishing Activity
The publication of all the works of Nikola Tesla will open up the rich field of scientific and humane ideas that Tesla left to humanity alongside with his creative work.
The following publications are to appear during 1976: -
- Nikola Teslaâs Autobiography, translated from English, publisher Å kolska Knjiga, Zagreb;
- Nikola Tesla - Letters, Patents and Articles, publisher âNikola Teslaâ Museum, Belgrade (translated from English);
- Nikola Tesla - Articles, Letters Documents, publisher âNikola Teslaâ Museum, Belgrade (what they have said and written about Nikola Tesla; translated from English);
- Ã. M. Stanojevic, Nikola Tesla and His Inventions, second edition, publisher Institute for the Technical Improvement and Specialization of Health Workers, Belgrade;
- Nikola Teslaâs Diary from Colorado, publisher âNikola Teslaâ Museum, Belgrade;
- Monograph on the Celebration of the 120th Anniversary of Teslaâs Birth (papers from symposiums in Yugoslavia and the U.S.; publisher Yugoslav Academy of Science and Arts, Zagreb);
- C. Petesic, A Genius from Our Karst, publisher Å kolske Novine, Zagreb;
- J. OâNeil, Prodigal Genius, 2nd edition, publisher âProsvjetaâ publishing house, Zagreb;
- V. Njegovan, NIKOLA TESLA, 2nd edition, publisher âProsvjetaâ, publishing house, Zagreb;
The âNikola Teslaâ Yugoslav Society for the Propagation of Scientific Knowledge, Belgrade is to publish four booklets with slides for popular and illustrative displays of the life and work of Nikola Tesla.
Publishing houses in Ljubljana and Skopje are to publish one work each in Slovenian and Macedonian.