Nikola Tesla Books
Schools and Faculties in Nikola Tesla Year
As a great landmark in science, Tesla and his work have been presented in many textbooks, but during this year, Nikola Tesla Year, schools are to devote special attention to Tesla over and above the standard curricula.
All elementary and secondary schools in Yugoslavia are to organize special lectures on Teslaâs achievements in the form of lessons not only in physics but also in other subjects connected with Teslaâs work. Tesla and his work may also be discussed occasionally during lessons in the humanities (e. g. a subject of conversation during lessons in literature may be Tesla as an inspiration to artists; during English language lessons one of Teslaâs papers may be discussed; etc.). At least one lesson in each class should be devoted to Teslaâs life and work.
Special consideration to Teslaâs life and work and personality is to be given in secondary technical schools.
Special lectures for students are to be organized at faculties, while lecturers on electrical engineering at the respective faculties and colleges should make students more closely acquainted with Teslaâs scientific working methods.
All schools and faculties should engage in forms of celebration outside school hours, especially by organizing meetings of young researchers, etc.
Republican secretariats for education, and republican, regional and communal institutes for the promotion of elementary and technical education are expected to help schools in this task by working out programmes for the celebrations.
The Yugoslav educational system should thus pay its debt to a great son of the Yugoslav peoples, while making the younger generations fully acquainted with the greatness of Teslaâs achievements and personality.
Military schools and academies are to work out celebration programmes of their own.
Special Gold and Silver Coins, Plaques and Badges
The 120th anniversary of the birth of Tesla is also to be marked by the issue of special gold and silver coins, plaques and badges designed by the sculptor Nebojsa Mitric and approved by a special jury on 17 May, 1976.
The gold coin is to be minted in three sizes with the same obverse but different reverses.
The obverse shows Nikola Tesla in his later years, and the reverses the magnetic field (the largest gold coin), the Lika bag of Teslaâs mother Djuka (medium size gold coin), and the figure of a dove (the smallest coin) with the respective texts.
The silver coin is to be issued in two sizes both having the same obverse but different reverses.
The obverse shows Nikola Tesla in his younger days, and the reverse Teslaâs sketch of the motor which he drew in sand in a Budapest park (larger coin), and a Lika bag (smallest coin).
The obverse of the plaque will show Tesla in his older days, and the reverse will carry a text marking the 120th anniversary.
The badge shows the motif of a magnetic field and the text âNikola Tesla, Yugoslaviaâ.
The gold coin is to be issued in co-operation with the Bor Mining Works, the Majdanpek Copper Mine, and Ekonomska Banka, Sarajevo.