Nikola Tesla Books
Tesla and Famous Men
In the course of his fruitful life Tesla was primarily devoted to science, scientific research and inventions. To these he even subordinated his private life working untiringly up to twenty hours a day.
His genius for engineering, the revolutionary nature of his inventions and the international fame he achieved brought him in touch with many of the worldâs prominent personalities either through business or science or on a purely human basis. In order to protect his authorship of several patents he had to take legal action even against famous scientists such as G. Marconi. He had friendly relations with many famous men including the American writers R. A. Johnson and Mark Twain, the musicians Paderewski and Dvorak, etc. with whom he associated during his few moments of leisure. He also retained contact with prominent Yugoslav scientists, authors and artists as for instance Mihajlo Pupin, Ivan MeÅ¡troviÄ, Jovan CvijiÄ, Jovan Jovanovic-Zmaj, Zlatko BalokoviÄ, etc. All these contacts clearly showed Teslaâs complete devotion to science, his broad-mindedness and love for his native country and interest in its prosperity. We are publishing a few details on this aspect of his life.