Nikola Tesla Books
From Teslaâs Letters
Ivan MeÅ¡troviÄ, Zagreb (Croatia)
New York, 1939For the sake of future generations and the Slavs as a whole I should like there to remain after my death a bust of me carved by MeÅ¡troviÄâs magic hand. I expect you to visit the exhibition. If not, could some other arrangement be made? I have no money available at present, but am willing to arrange everything in some other way to both your and my satisfaction. My face is still without wrinkles and I am not yet bald. Everybody wants your immortal work to be displayed here. Please cable your disposition and intention.
Your admirer,
Nikola Tesla
To Jovan JovanoviÄ Zmaj
Dear and honoured Sir and famous Serbian poet,
My friend, R. A. Johnson, a noble man and one of the best writers in this country, and himself a poet, has taken upon himself to translate a collection of your lovely poems into English.
I was looking for such a companion for a long time in order to be able to arouse enthusiasm be it only with smoke and coal. There is none better in America. His translations are really wonderful, and if in places he had to change a line or two, this was indispensable and necessitated by the spirit of the English language.
We are now translating several other poems. I wanted to translate ÄuliÄi, but this is too difficult; however, perhaps we shall succeed some time in the future. No matter how busy I am, I shall find time for this. May I ask you to send me your photograph, if possible even two, so that I can give one to my friend who holds you in such respect. I possess the 1882 edition of your works and would like to obtain a later one, if it is available.
With most cordial greetings, sincerely yours,
Nikola Tesla