Nikola Tesla Books
Humanist and Patriot
Although one of the most popular personalities in the United States at the time, Tesla remained linked with his native country and its peoples. He followed international developments closely and always raised his voice in support of those who fought for liberty. He did so during the Balkan wars, the first world war and during the fascist aggression in Ethiopia. During the second world war he ardently supported the Yugoslav peopleâs struggle against fascism and nazism vigorously denouncing chauvinism and the disruption of unity among the Yugoslav peoples, and he aroused great attention with his well-known message âTo my Fellow-Countrymen in Americaâ which met with great response among Yugoslav emigrants in the United States, and with his messages to the Serbian Anti-fascist Congress in America, the All-Slav Congress in Moscow, and the All-Slav Congress in the United States.
The great activity in which he engaged despite his advanced age and by which he proved himself to be not only a great humanist, but also a patriot, anti-fascist and fighter for the brotherhood and unity of the Yugoslav peoples was hailed by all progressive people in Yugoslavia. In his honour the 6th Lika Proletarian Division, one of the most famous units of the National Liberation Army, was named after him on 19 March, 1944. We are publishing several documents showing the political engagement of Tesla in which he put the whole weight of his great authority as a world scientist, confirmed democrat, humanist and Yugoslav behind the struggle for the equality of peoples and the freedom of humanity.
To my brothers in America
This year the fate of the world as a whole is to be decided. In this year, 1942, the forces of evil gathered round Hitler must be destroyed. Practically every day we obtain proofs of this in the power of the attacks of Soviet Russia and our own admirable fighters in Yugoslavia and in the Balkans. However, these forces alone are not enough. To destroy the forces of evil requires the common effort of all united nations, - immediately and to the extreme limits. Any delay in this common effort could have irreparable consequences...
Therefore, brothers and sisters, as the oldest Serbian, Yugoslav, and American of our blood in the United States, I am directing this letter to you calling on you to respond to the call of President Roosevelt. Our peoples are showing a moral fortitude that earns us the respect of the world. What our brothers are doing in the Old Country is worthy of the spirit which permeates our folk songs. What moral fortitude, firm decision, fearlessness and heroism was shown by our boys*) when they shouted triumphantly facing German rifles: âWe are Serbian children! Shoot!â How proud we all can be knowing that in the whole history of the world there is no more magnificent example! These wonderful martyrs will live for centuries in our memory and inspire us to immortal deeds!
*) in Kragujevac, 1941