Nikola Tesla Documents
Nikola Tesla FBI Files - Page 178
...... O ĊJ Exhibit F (cont.) The proposed schame bears some relation to present means for producing high-energy cathode rays by the cooperative use of a high-voltage electrostatic generator and an evacuated electron acceleration tube. It is well known, however, that such devices, while of scientific and medical interest, are incapable of the transmission of large amounts of power in non-dispersed beams over long distances.. Tesla's disclosures in this memorandum would not enable the construction of workable combinations of generator and tube even of limited power, though the general elements of such a combination are succinctly described. Exhibit G A circular by Caro Bird, dated September 10, 1938, entitled Tremendous New Power Soon to Be Unleashed". This describes in popular style some biographical information concerning Nikola Tesle and some ideas for the transmission of power on which he is stated to be working. It appears that the method of transmission is by the mechanical resonance method outlined in Exhibit F, above. Exhibit H This exhibit consists of a series of letters to representatives of the British Government dated August 28, 1936; October 26, 1937; December 15, 1937; and April 5, 1938. It includes a reply dated January 7, 1938, from the British Government. These letters offer to the British Government, for a fee, the disclosure of a means for accelerating to high energies minute particles. Such beams would constitute a death ray capable of the protection of Great Britain from air attack, The method proposed is essentially that described in Exhibit above. Following the initial letter dated August 28, 1936, the subsequent letters attempt to clear up the misunderstandings of the British representatives and to expedite their acceptance of the Tesla proposal. The British reply dated Januery 7 is a polite expression of disinterest in the proposal. Exhibit I An undated memorandum written after Tesla's 79th birthday describing several discoveries which he believed he had made. The first related to a dynamic theory of gravity which is described as not yet completed. The second stated as a physical truth the belief that "there is no energy in matter other than that received from the environment. This second statement, which is discussed at length in this and other writings of Tesla, indicates his disbelief in the existenge of atomic or nuclear 000009 178