Nikola Tesla Images and Photographs
Images and photographs of, or related to, Nikola Tesla
An interior view of Tesla's lab on Houston St. in New York City
This photograph is extremely interesting as it shows not only “Tesla's Electric Egg” apparatus in the center of the background, but also a comprehensive view of a corner of Nikola Tesla's famous Houston Street laboratory. At the left may be seen a number of Tesla's oscillators or high frequency generators, while in the rear may be noted a large high frequency transformer of the spiral type, the diameter of which was a little over nine feet. The electric egg apparatus comprising a two-phase A.C. circular core and winding, rests on a table, and this particular model measured about two feet across. In making the demonstrations, Tesla applied as much as 200 H.P. from a two-phase alternator to the exciting coils, and so intense was the revolving magnetic field created in the surrounding space, that small delicately pivoted iron discs would revolve in any part of the hall, and a great many other devices could be simultaneously operated from this magnetic field when thus excited. The frequency of the two-phase A.C. energizing the coils, was varied from 25 to 300 cycles, the best results being obtained with currents of from 35 to 40 cycles. This laboratory was lighted by Tesla's vacuum tubes, several of which may be seen on the ceiling, and each of which emitted 50 C.P. The coil resting on three legs and observed in the immediate foreground is the primary of a resonant Tesla transformer which collected energy from an oscillatory circuit encircling the laboratory, no matter in what position the transformer was placed. A low tension secondary of one or two turns of heavy cable (not visible) was provided for stepping down the energy collected by “mutual Induction,” and supplied the current to incandescent lamps, vacuum tubes, motors and other devices. When the circuit around the hall was strongly excited, the secondary furnished energy at the rate of about three-quarters of one horse-power.