Nikola Tesla Patents
Nikola Tesla U.S. Patent 1,119,732 - Apparatus for Transmitting Electrical Energy Patent Wrapper Page 21
J 1 J J T Per Di Insert DInsert Dr Per D Insert 27 Per D D di Inseit & 8 Subs. B Per D 8. An electric terminal for a resonating circuit composed of a plurality of sections or elements connected together at points of low electrical density, in combination with an insulating support, as set forth. An electrie terminal for a resonating circuit com posed of a plurality of curved conducting surfaces/ each having a relatively large radius of ourvature, connected toand supported. gether at/points of lov electrical density, in combination with an insulating support, as set forth. The combination with 10. Fra resonating circuit of high potential having curved. A conducting surfaces, of relatively large radii of curvature, one or more surfaces of smaller radii of curvature,, for the purposes set forth. resonating 11. A circuit having its outermost conducting boundaries or capacity elements on which the charge chiefly accumulates arranged in surfaces of large radii of curvature, as set forth. resonating 12. A circuit whose outermost conducting boundaries o capacity elements on which the charge chiefly accumulates constitute a large area and are arranged in surfaces of large radii of curvature as set forth. 13. A circuit adapted by construction and arrangement to distribute the surface charge with approximately uniform density, as set forth. 14. A circuit whose outermost conducting boundaries conare adapted stitute a large area and whiek by construction and arrangement is adapted to distribute the surface charge with approximately uniform density, as set forth. 15. A circuit having a plurality of capacity elements arranged in proximity to each other and in surfaces of large 18 371-29 -13717