Nikola Tesla Patents
Nikola Tesla U.S. Patent 1,119,732 - Apparatus for Transmitting Electrical Energy Patent Wrapper Page 22
718 dol Per 7 1 "I D curvature, as set forth. 16. A freely vibrating or resonating circuit having a plurality of capacity elements arranged in proximity to each other and in surfaces of large curvature, as set forth. 17. A freely vibrating/ or resonating circuit, having its outermost conducting boundaries arranged in surfaces of large curvature, as set forth. 18. A resonating circuit having its outer most conducting boundaries on which the charge chiefly accumulates arranged in symmetrical surfaces of large curvature, as set forth. electrical. 19. In a system for the transmission of energy a freely vibrating circuit of high tension having its outermost conducting boundaries arranged in surfaces of large curvature, as set forth. electrical. 20. In a system for the transmission of energy, a resonating circuit having a plurality of capacity elements, on which the charge chiefly accumulates, arranged in proximity to each other and in surfaces of large curvature, as set forth. 21. A resonating circuit whose outermost conducting boundaries on which the charge chiefly accumulates are arranged in surfaces of large curvature and which, is-support-which ed on places of low density, as set forth. are 22. A circuit comprising a part upon which the impulses or oscillations of a source are impressedand another part for raising the tension by resonance, the outermost boundaries or capacity elements of the latter part being arranged in surfaces of large radii of curvature, as set forth. 23. A circuit comprising a part in close inductive re19 -13² 37-30