Nikola Tesla Patents
Nikola Tesla U.S. Patent 649,621 - Apparatus for Transmission of Electrical Energy Patent Wrapper Page 13
210 W Substitute AL 2010 do view of Jesta do 5. The combination with a transmitting instrument comprising an electrical transformer, having its secondary connected to ground and to an elevated terminal respectively, of a receiving instrument comprising a transformer having its primary similarly connected to ground and to an elevated terminal, the transformer being of identical dimensions, as set forth. (1) 6. The combination with a transmitting instrument omprising an electrical trans former, having its second4 ary connected to ground and to an elevated terminal respectively, of a receiving instrument comprising a transformer having its primary similarly connected to ground. and to an elevated terminal, the transmitting and the receiving coils of said transformers being of identical dimensions, as set forth. T. The combination with a transmitting coil or conduc tor connected to ground and an elevated terminal respectively, and means for producing electrical currents or oscillations in the same, of a receiving coil or conducter similarly connected to ground and to an elevated terminal and synchronized with the transmitting coil or conduc tor, as set forth. 60. The combination with a transmitting instrument comprising an electrical transformer, having its secondary connected to ground and to an elevated terminal respectively, of a receiving instrument comprising a transformer, having its primary similarly connected to ground and to an elevated terminal, the receiving coil being -8