Nikola Tesla Patents
Nikola Tesla U.S. Patent 649,621 - Apparatus for Transmission of Electrical Energy Patent Wrapper Page 14
T T Edison ~ Edison 4 synchronized with that of the transmitter, as set forth. 7 p. The combination with a transmitting coil or conductor connected to ground and to an elevated terminal respectively, and means for producing electrical currents or oscillations in the same, of a receiving coil or conductor similarly connected to ground and to an elevated terminal, the said coil or coils having a length equal to one-quarter of the wave length of the disturbance propagated, as set forth. 8 10. The combination with a transmitting coil or nductor connected to ground and to an elevated terninal respectively, ard adapted to cause the propagation of currents or oscillations by conduction through the natural medi um, of a receiving circuit similarly connected to, ground and to an elevated terminal, and of a capacity and inductance such that its period of vibration is the same as that of the transmitter, as set forth. The transmitting or receiving circuit herein 9 described, connected to ground and an elevated terminal respectively, and arranged in such manner that the elevated terminal is charged to the maximum potential developed in the circuit, as set forth. 10 2. The combination with a transmitting coil or canductor connected to ground and to an elevated terminal respectively of a receiving circuit having a period of vibration corresponding to that of the transmitting circuit and similarly connected to ground and to an elevated 211