Nikola Tesla Patents
548 respect I do not wish to limit myself. Thus the specific plan herein described of producing the stationary waves might be departed from. For example, the circuit which impresses the powerful oscillations upon the earth might be connected to the latter at two points. In this application I have advanced various improvements in means and methods of producing and utilizing electrical effects which, either in connection with my present discovery or independently of the same, may be use# fully applied. I desire it to be understood that such novel. features, as are not herein specifically claimed, will form the subjects of subsequent applications. What I now claim is: 1. The improvement in the art of transmitting electrical energy to a distance which consists in establishing stationary electrical waves in the Earth, as set forth. 2. The improvement in the art of transmitting electrical energy to a distance which consists in impressing upon the Earth electrical oscillations of such character as to produce stationary electrical waves therein, as set forth. 3. The improvement in the art of transmitting and utilizing electrical energy which consists in establishing stationary electrical waves in the natural conducting media, and operating thereby one or more receiving devices remote from the source of energy, as set forth. 4. The improvement in the art of transmitting and utilizing electrical energy which consists in establishing in the natural conducting media, stationary electrical waves of predetermined length and operating thereby one or more receiving devices remote from the source of energy and properly located with respect to the position of such waves, as herein set forth. -13[This page retyped from microfilm for better readability - Ed.]