Nikola Tesla Patents
C T 1 1 1 T 1 5. The improvement in the art of transmitting and utilizing electrical energy, which consists in establishing in the natural conducting media, stationary electrical waves, and verying the length of such waves, as herein set forth. 6. The improvement in the art of transmitting and utilizing electrical energy, which consists in establishing in the natural conducting media stationary electrical waves and shifting the nodal and ventral regions of these waves, as described. The accompanying substitute specification is submitted in answer to the official letter of August 29th 1902. The requirement as to the applications mentioned in line 18, page 8, has been complied with. See page 8, line 4 from the bottom, of the new specification. There appears to be no necessity of explaining, in this application, the object of constructing the conducting holders so that they are adjustable longitudinally, and reference to this feature has therefore been omitted. The errors in the use of reference characters, pointed out in the third paragraph of the official letter, have been corrected, likewise the misuse of "central" for "ventral". The additional explanations, particularly those on pages 7 and 8, will, it is thought, satisfy the Examiner that the phenomena are indeed of the character described. The mere fact that the wave train must persist during a definite time interval proves this conclusively. As the Examiner will see, the Earth acts like a perfectly smooth conductor, in spite of all its inequalities of surface. -14[This page retyped from microfilm for better readability - Ed.] 549