Nikola Tesla Patents
3 Room No. 109 27.unication should be a fireased in The Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D. c." MG Nikola Tesla, 2-250. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON. D. C. Care Kerr, Page & Cooper, Paper N54 Alt comunications trapacting th.. application should give the serial number, date of ing. adit of inveation. 120 Broadway, New York City. Sept. 24, 1903. BEP 2415 3 Please find below a communication from the EXAMINER in charge of your application. Serial No.112, 034; filed May 16, 1900; Art of Transmitting Electrical Energy through the Natural Media. F. I. Allen. Commissioner of Patenta This action is in response to amendment of Aug. 27, 1903. On pages 7 and 8 applicant has set forth what he believes to be three requirements essential to the establishment of the resonating condition: The first essential requirement is that the diameter of the earth should be an odd multiple of a quarter wave length of the wave transmitted. From the second essential requirement it is inferred that the wave or electrical disturbance travels around the surface of the earth and that in a certain case,, i. e., frequency equal to six per second, there is a loop at the point opposite the source and a node at the source. It would seem therefore that the semi-circumference of the earth and not the diameter of the earth should be an odd multiple of the quarter wave length. The third essential requirement has to do with the time taken by a wave in passing to and returning from the region diametrically opposite the pole. In all wave propogation, L= v T and taking applicant's figures L 3. 998 X 109, c m, the circumference of the earth being 4 X 10⁹. Applicant therefore states in effect that the time taken. by a wave in traveling diametrically through the earth is 551