Nikola Tesla Patents
C 12 Natural Media. Room 109 Div. 16. Application of Nikola Tesla, Serial No. 112,034, Filed May 16, 1900, Renewed June 17, 1902, Art of Transmitting Electrical Energy Through Hon. Commissioner of Patents, lows: Sir:- 112,034 Amendt lept. 21-1904 In the above entitled application we amend as folIn the substitute specification dated August 26, 1903: Page 2, line 12, before "globe" insert: terrestrial Page 3, line 14, cancel "globe" and insert: planet Remarks. New York, Se ptember 20, 1904. Page 5, line 7 from bottom, cancel "connection". Page 5, line 6 from bottom, cancel "the" before "resistance, and insert: its Page 8, line 8, cancel "and absolutely". 5. -1The arguments advanced by the Examiner in the last of f the cial letter are in main correct, and his conclusion as to the quarter-wave length would be also true if the currents would propagate over the globe as he seems to assume. But he is overlooking the fact that in the text of the substitute specification, (page 8, aragraph 3), reference is made to the mean velocity on the earth's surface. This, as will be clearly gathered from lines 13 to 17, page 12, is not a constant, but a quantity varying according to a de finite laa. Applicant also 553