Nikola Tesla Patents
554 assumed, at first, when he made the discovery of the marvelous phenomena described in this official record, which will better understood by perusing his account in the "Electrical World and Engineer" of March 5, 1904, that the quarter-wave length should be counted along the periphery of the earth; but a number of facts, he ascertained subsequently, disproved this view. The three requirements, as stated in the amended document, are in agreement with his numerous experimental observations, which have extended through a very long period. They would have been embodied in the original record filed on or about May 16, then 1900, had it, been thought absolutely necessary. As will be known to the Patent Office, applicant has made the investigation of electrical vibrations and the perfection. of oscillatory apparatus his specialty since many years, and has acquired, in these particular fields, an extensive knowledge. His researches have disproved a number of accepted ideas. To quote a fe intimately associated with the present subject, he has found that, contrary to the theory in vogue, which also seems to be held by the examiner, the velocity of propagation of electricity through conducting media is often far in excess of that given in text books, as determined by Lord Kelvin, Kohlrausch and other authorities. He has also established the fact that no appreciable energy can be transmitted to any considerable distance by Hertzian or electro xxxx magnetic waves, supposed to pass out at right angles to the current path in an oscillating circuit, as is now held. On this point he was explicit in his patents Nos. 645,576 and 649,621 quoted in the amended specification in compliance with -2