Nikola Tesla News
Harry Goldman Estate To Be Auctioned
As many of you know, Harry Goldman passed away back in November of 2010 leaving behind a legacy of more than 60 years worth of collecting and building high voltage apparatus. Harry's faithful wife Ruth recently made the difficult decision to part with this collection in order to hopefully see it make it into the hands of those who will appreciate it as Harry did.
Ruth was kind enough to share a lot of the Tesla-related material with me and this material will be made available here on Tesla Universe in the near future. The physical items and things Harry built have been consigned to an auction house called Cabin Fever Expositions and will be sold on April, 12th, 2013 at 10:00 AM EST.
I have replicated the photo gallery of Harry's estate here on TU.
Please consider participating in the auction to help Ruth find a good home for Harry's cherished estate.
Thank you,
Cameron Prince
Tesla Universe founder and CEO