Nikola Tesla Books
Colorado Springs
Sept. 16, 1899
Further experimentation led to adopting one of the two arrangements illustrated according to whether an independent induction coil was used or not. The induction coil secures the advantage that the synchronized coil need not be touched and the apparatus is made suitable for any coil. On the other hand to use the synchronized coil itself has the chief advantage of having the coil entirely open. This latter advantage is secured to a large extent also when an independent induction coil is used, as in following diagram (1): The lettering is as in previous diagrams. A small condenser C1 is connected to secondary to allow easy passage to the high frequency currents from the ground through the synchronized coil to the sensitive device and wire or capacity in the air.
Diagram two shows manner of connecting when the synchronized coil itself is used as the secondary of the induction coil. In this case the primary consisting from 1 - 5 turns or so is placed near the ground and the tuning is effected with all apparatus mounted together except sensitive device.
This seems best so far judging from tests.
Remark: Another battery is sometimes placed in synchr. coil circuit (this is not shown).