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Nikola Tesla Books

Books written by or about Nikola Tesla

the secondary short-circuited. How far this is justified it is difficult to say because an oscillator which discharges heavily does not satisfy the simple theory of the resonant transformer oscillator: the secondary is then heavily damped and free oscillations in it decay rapidly, so one would have to apply a theoretical treatment for heavily damped oscillators.

July 10-11

In order to try and increase the secondary voltage of the HF transformer by keeping down the distributed capacity of the secondary Tesla added a third oscillatory circuit, thus obtaining an oscillator with three resonant circuits of which two are tightly coupled*. The third circuit will not necessarily be most strongly excited when its resonant frequency coincides with that of the primary and secondary (assuming these are the same) and the primary and secondary are tightly coupled. If the spark in the primary circuit lasts long, then the tightly coupled primary-secondary system will produce two distinct oscillations, and the third circuit will be most strongly excited if it is tuned to one (strictly speaking to near one) of these two frequencies. On the other hand, if the spark is of short duration the tightly coupled system may oscillate strongest at the resonant frequency of the secondary, and then the third circuit will be excited the strongest when all three have the same resonant frequency. Tesla believed that his system of coupled circuits was producing a single vibration, which under certain conditions is in fact feasible.

July 12

Early on in the diary Tesla mentioned a method using a condenser to store energy from weak impulses arriving at a receiver. In the circuit drawn here, the condenser is charged by a battery via a self-inductance coil and a coherer shunted by the secondary of an oscillation transformer. In the absence of an external signal the resistance of the coherer is large so that the charging current is small. The circuit breaker periodically discharges the condenser through the primary of the transformer generating alternating current in the secondary which biases the coherer. When an external signal is received the resistance of the coherer is reduced and the charging current rises rapidly, which in turn increases the AC bias on the coherer which therefore soon gets to full conductivity (in fact there is a feedback loop).

July 14

He had tried out the devices shown in these drawings earlier on, some of them for wireless remote control of a boat. Patent No. 613809, “Method of and apparatus for controlling mechanism of moving vessels or vehicles” of 8 November 1898 (application field 1 July 1898) mentions the possibility of using electromagnetic resonance but does not give the circuit diagram of the transmitter referred to here.

July 15

Earlier on (see the entry for June 3rd) Tesla presents a general scheme in which the ‘dynamo principle” is referred too as one of the ways of accumulating energy from weak

* Similar systems were analyzed in 1906 and 1907 by M. Wien, in 1907 by C. Fischer, and in 1909 by J. Kaiser(46). From their papers it may be seen that the effective value of the current in the loosely coupled circuit will be a maximum if its resonant frequency is the same as that of the other two coupled circuits but if they were loosely coupled.



Zenneck J. ???LEHRBUCH DER DRAHTLOSEN TELEGRAPHIE, Verlag, Stuttgard, 1915.


Lowercase tau - an irrational constant defined as the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its radius, equal to the radian measure of a full turn; approximately 6.283185307 (equal to 2π, or twice the value of π).
A natural rubber material obtained from Palaquium trees, native to South-east Asia. Gutta-percha made possible practical submarine telegraph cables because it was both waterproof and resistant to seawater as well as being thermoplastic. Gutta-percha's use as an electrical insulator was first suggested by Michael Faraday.
The Habirshaw Electric Cable Company, founded in 1886 by William M. Habirshaw in New York City, New York.
The Brown & Sharpe (B & S) Gauge, also known as the American Wire Gauge (AWG), is the American standard for making/ordering metal sheet and wire sizes.
A traditional general-purpose dry cell battery. Invented by the French engineer Georges Leclanché in 1866.
Refers to Manitou Springs, a small town just six miles west of Colorado Springs, and during Tesla's time there, producer of world-renown bottled water from its natural springs.
A French mineral water bottler.
Lowercase delta letter - used to denote: A change in the value of a variable in calculus. A functional derivative in functional calculus. An auxiliary function in calculus, used to rigorously define the limit or continuity of a given function.
America's oldest existing independent manufacturer of wire and cable, founded in 1878.
Lowercase lambda letter which, in physics and engineering, normally represents wavelength.
The lowercase omega letter, which represents angular velocity in physics.