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Nikola Tesla Books

Books written by or about Nikola Tesla

Wireless - The Life, Work and Doctrine of Nikola Tesla

This book is the fruit of decades of research which began in 1981 and is still going on. The most important part of it was completed in the course of my professional work in the Nikola Tesla Museum, between 1981 and 2001. The review of Tesla's life and work is highly documentary in nature; however, throughout the writing I have attempted to breathe life and emotion into the manuscript. This was not difficult, because the study of Tesla's life could not leave anyone indifferent.

I believe that, within this book, every reader will find something for himself. For me, as author, three things were of greatest interest:

The first was a complete reconstruction of Tesla's life. I have had exceptional good fortune and an advantage over other local and international authors in that for years I have collected material at the source and, piece by piece, assembled a mosaic to solve the enigma known as Tesla. The result of this long analytical work and research is now before the reader.

The second thing was to find Tesla's internal "credo", as a basis for explaining and understanding his psychological portrait. To answer this, it was of special importance to reconstruct not only the history of Tesla's life but also the story of his origins.

The third, and for me the most important, thing was to reconstruct Tesla's key thinking on the future of civilization. The solution of the first two tasks determined the character of the third. From Tesla's vast heritage certain theses naturally stand out which I believe present his particular legacy for the future and which are set out in the section entitled "The Tesla Doctrine".

Branimir Jovanović
